Tag Archives: Existentialism

The Influence of Existentialism on Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. is a figure often overshadowed in critical theory. Juxtaposed next to other civil rights figures like Malcolm X and Angela Davis,  King is often conflated with neoliberal multiculturalism the failure of the civil rights movement to dismantle the ongoing systemic white supremacy of the status quo. But what may be of interest … Continue Reading ››

9 Insane Stories from The Lives of Famous Existentialists

Existentialism is a field of philosophy that grapples with human existence and flourished in post-war Europe in the 1940s and 1950s.

Of course, these thinkers of human existence were also dealing with their own. Namely, that their lives were a bizarre shit-storm of mental breakdowns, drug-induced genius and tremendous backlash from the societies they lived in.

Read Camus’ Letter to His Elementary School Teacher After Winning the Nobel Prize

After winning the Nobel Prize, philosopher Albert Camus thought to thank his mother first, and an elementary school teacher second. Camus wrote this letter (below) to his teacher Louis Germain who, according to Letters of Note, “fostered the potential he saw and steered young Camus on a path that would eventually see him write some hugely respected, award-winning novels and essays.”