Submit Your Papers! Facades: The Architecture of (In)authenticy


The Seventh Annual Philosophy and Arts Conference at Stony Brook University in Manhattan is now accepting submissions. The topic is architecture, but papers that are political in nature are also encouraged. Deadline for submissions is January 12, 2014. Read more from the full call for papers below.

Call For Papers and Artworks:

Seventh Annual Philosophy and the Arts Conference

FAÇADES: The Architecture of (In)authenticy

March 28th & 29th, 2014

Keynote Address by Kent Bloomer

Artist Keynote Address/Performance: TBD

The façade—the aspect of a building that both looks at, and is seen from, the street—erects a philosophically and artistically productive ambivalence. Depending on the building’s purpose and comportment, the façade may bear little or no resemblance to the structure within. A façade may clearly indicate the purpose of a structure—such as those of government buildings, restaurants, or grocery stores; they may function as merely surface covering—such as the prescribed façades of residential buildings in some historic neighborhoods; or they may be transparent, “invisible,” or feigning—such as the façade of a “speak-easy”. As a metaphor, the ambivalence erected by the façade seems to extend to numerous aspects of our engagement with the world. Just as the façade both reveals and conceals the depth of the building behind it, so the face we turn towards others both reveals and conceals our feelings, intentions, and character. We invite artists and scholars to the 2014 conference in order to explore the vicissitudes of the Façade—its place, importance, and structure. Is it pernicious or profitable? Is it necessary or elective? Is it universal or an instance of anthropo-centrism? Do the various structures of façades delimit or facilitate expression or identity formation? Other aspects of the main theme to be considered include: public/professional vs. private/personal features of façades; the relation between the façade and the human face; the politics and ethics of façades.


We welcome the submission of both original academic papers and of artwork for exhibition or performance from graduate students across disciplines. All submissions should be formatted for blind review and suitable for a 20-minute presentation (approximately 3000 words or 8-11 pages). Please visit the Philosophy and the Arts Conference website at for complete submission instructions, as well as information on past conferences and updates on this year’s events. All submissions must be received by January 12, 2014. Submitters will be notified of the committee’s decision regarding their work via email no later than February 9th, 2014. The conference and exhibition will take place at Stony Brook Manhattan, 101 East 27th Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY, 10016. Contact conference coordinators Seth Binsted, Stephen Bourque, & Amir Jaima at