Franz Kafka Gets a Videogame

kafka videogame

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a video game character.

Too easy?

For gamers looking to be plunged into a deep existential crisis, The Franz Kafka Videogame will be coming to computers and mobile devices sometime this year. A puzzle-based adventure game, the Kafka videogame will feature inspiration from works like “Metamorphosis” and “The Castle.”

In an email exchange with Polygon, creator Denis Galanin notes:

The hero named K. gets a sudden offer of employment. And this event changes his life, forcing him to make a distant voyage. To his surprise, the world beyond his homeland appears to be not as normal as he would think. Together with the hero you will experience an atmosphere of absurdity, surrealism, and total uncertainty.

Watch the trailer below.

[H/T Laughing Squid]