Submit Your Papers: 14th Annual Foucault Circle

The Foucault Circle, a “regular gathering of scholars and educators who share a commitment to the… use of the thought and work of Michel Foucault” is now accepting submissions for their 2014 conference in Malmö, Sweden.

Submissions can cover any aspect of Foucauldian thought. You may also apply to be in a round table discussion in one of three topics:

  • European and North American perspectives on Foucault’s work;
  • Feminist perspectives on Foucault’s work;
  • Utilizing the Foucauldian “Toolbox.”

To apply, submit an abstract of under 750 words by January 2, 2014.

Read the full call for papers below, or at the Foucault Circle Google group.

[H/T Foucault News]


The fourteenth annual meeting of the

Foucault Circle

University of Malmö

Malmö, Sweden

June 5-8, 2014

We seek submissions for:

1). Papers on any aspect of Foucault’s work, as well as studies, critiques, and applications of Foucauldian thinking;

2). Round table discussions comprised of four or five panelists:

*European and North American perspectives on Foucault’s work;

*Feminist perspectives on Foucault’s work;

*Utilizing the Foucauldian “Toolbox.”

Individual paper submissions require an abstract of no more than 750 words; round table submissions require a 500 word abstract describing the overall theme and 150 word summaries of each panelist’s talking points. All submissions should be formatted as “.doc” attachments and sent via email to program committee chair Edward McGushin (emcg… on or before January 2, 2014. Indicate “Foucault Circle submission” in the subject heading. Program decisions will be announced by early February.

All abstracts should be prepared for anonymous review.

The meeting will begin Thursday afternoon with a round table discussion, followed by an informal welcome session and dinner. Morning and afternoon paper sessions will be held on Friday and Saturday; the Saturday sessions will be followed by a business meeting and dinner. The conference will conclude with paper sessions on Sunday morning. Presenters of individual papers will have approximately 35 minutes for paper presentation and discussion combined; papers should be a maximum of 3000 words (15-20 minutes, preferably 15). Round tables will have approximately 50 minutes total for presentation and discussion combined; individual panelists should plan to speak for no more than 5-7 minutes.

Logistical information about lodging, transportation, and other arrangements will be available after the program has been announced.

For more information about the Foucault Circle, please see our website: