Free Read: The Neoliberal Neurosis

From the conclusion of book “Jeffrey Sachs: The Strange Case of Dr. Shock and Mr. Aid,” this excerpt explores the “neoliberal neurosis” behind the current economic program of combating poverty.

“If we consider the history of neoliberal ideology, we can see that it has always been driven by an anxious desire to hide the ugly realities of” capitalism beneath a fantasy of harmonious order.”

Sachs is an infuential economist who helped engineer the “shock doctrine” in many country after the fall of communism. Since then, he’s focused on promoting more aid-based programs to countries in need. This, author Japhy Wilson argues, is all part of the same violent neoliberal process.

“Once notorious as the progenitor of a brutal form of free market engineering called ‘shock therapy’, Sachs now positions himself as a voice of progressivism, condemning the ‘1 per cent’ and promoting his solution to extreme poverty through the Millennium Villages Project.

Appearances can be deceiving. Jeffrey Sachs: The Strange Case of Dr Shock and Mr Aid is the story of an evangelical development expert who poses as saviour of the Third World while opening vulnerable nations to economic exploitation. “

Read below, and buy the book here.