Photos of Commies with Adorable Animals are all the Rage

Amidst all of the real research to be done right now, you’ve probably taken a break from your regularly scheduled perusal of Buzzfeed cat posts for this equally wasteful, yet more revolutionary, post about Communists and cats. Also dogs, a proletariat’s best friend.

Two Tumblrs have perfectly synthesized the revolutionary impulse with the inertia of looking at cat photos all day. They are Communists with Dogs, and Communists with Cats, respectively. Here are some of their best, with a few added extras.

Got more photos of philosophers and/or communists with cats? Let us know in the comments.

sartre beauvoir picasso dog
Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Jacques Lacan and Albert Camus with Pablo Picasso’s dog, because why not?


lenin with cat


slavoj zizek petting dog
The renowned miser petting a puppy.


sartre cat nothing
Sartre actually named his cat “Nothing.”


che guevera dog
Che Guevera


trotsky dog


foucault cat
Foucault cuddling a cat.


zizek cat
Slavoj Zizek