Category Archives: Theory and Theorists

The Influence of Existentialism on Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. is a figure often overshadowed in critical theory. Juxtaposed next to other civil rights figures like Malcolm X and Angela Davis,  King is often conflated with neoliberal multiculturalism the failure of the civil rights movement to dismantle the ongoing systemic white supremacy of the status quo. But what may be of interest … Continue Reading ››

Foucault Responds to Critics in Amazing 1981 Time Magazine Profile

"'M. Foucault," wrote one irritated colleague, 'races through three centuries at full speed, like a barbarian horseman. He sets fire to the steppe without caution.'" An amazing profile of Michel Foucault that appeared in Time Magazine in November, 1981 recounts the life and work of the theorists nearly three years before his death. It was recently … Continue Reading ››

Cats are Bourgeois Scum, and Other Things I Learned from Zizek’s Live Chat

Today, The Guardian hosted a "live" webchat with Slavoj Zizek, cultural critic extraordinaire. The Guardian encouraged participants to post their questions the day before, from which Zizek would respond to a handful today. Whereas my pressing, thoughtful questions (including "boxers or briefs?" and whether or not he was a CIA agent) went woefully ignored, he … Continue Reading ››